Biometric Only Authentication
Our IBI client offers an option of implementing a Biometric Only deployment. This means that users won’t know their passwords. Passwords are generated by our system. Users must use the Biometric system to authenticate. We always deploy failover servers for this option and often local IT must apply for waivers for the standard 90 day password reset requirement. Worker passwords used in a controlled secure space (access cards/biometric/door code) with a Biometric authentication often are not required to reset their password. We can also provide an automated password update for those that cannot get such a waiver or whose systems don’t support different settings for password expiration.
Biometric Optional Authentication
The Integral system enables customers to set up their system so that users know their usernames and passwords and have the option of using biometric matching to automate their logins, eSignatures, and password updates. This is the most flexible and lowest risk way to deploy our products. Some of our customers configure their systems this way while others choose the Biometric Only option.
Synchronized Password Update Automation
The Integral system includes Password update automation tools. For SAP and other systems, the Integral Password update tool will enable a user to maintain their password using biometric matches. The system automates the user’s password update by synchronizing with the integrated application. In some cases the Integral application will track the age of a user’s password and will remind them to update their password before it expires.
Lastly, the Integral system also offers an automated update of Active Directory based passwords. Any change to a user’s password within Active Directory will trigger an automated update in the Integral system. Ask us for more info if interested.
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