Integrated Biometric Identifier

Integrated Biometric Identifier
Our Authentication Assistant enables Iris and Finger biometric authentication for Logins, eSignature, Password Management, and Automation.
Explore our Existing Integrations with Leading Supply Chain Systems

Manufacturing Execution Systems/MOM
Biometric Logins, multi-step GxP eSignatures, and Password synchronization supporting: PAS-X 3.1 & 3.2+, SAP, Rockwell FactoryTalk - Pharma Suite, Siemens Camstar Portal - Opcenter, Wonderware/AVEVA InTouch, Tulip.

Training, Compliance, & Doc Management
Integral offers our own light-weight Training Tracking Tool with Blockchain stamped training records plus Integration with UL ComplianceWIre and Cornerstone OnDemand SSO for accurate and easy recording of Training completions and synchronized Part 11 CFR 21 and EC Annex 11 compliant eSignature records.

HMI, Touchscreens, and Legacy Control Systems
Integral offers Biometric Logins and Password Management for Rockwell ViewSE, Siemens Simatic, Wonderware/AVEVA InTouch, Antares Vision. Look into our IB RAD LogBook for non-windows HMI solutions for operator accountability & audit trails.
Rapid Integration
Integral's platform is designed for Rapid integration with nearly any software technology; Windows, Web, and Java Apps, as well as systems in Wrappers such as Citrix, RSView, RDP, Thin Client.

The right devices for GxP environments.
For the last 15 years Integral has been serving one market; Regulated Life Science Manufacturers.
From our first product release to our most recent, our products have been designed, implemented, and validated specifically for GxP Pharmaceutical and Medical Device manufacturing facilities.
Don't trust your identity management, PII security, and manufacturing line throughput to just anybody. We provide proven excellent, reliable, and integrated biometric solutions.
Forget Passwords!! Get the Benefits of Integral Biometrics!
MES Integration
Enhance Productivity
Annual Subscription
- Rapid, Reliable Logins
- Compliant multi-step eSignatures
- Password Expiration Reminders
- Easy Password Management
- Increased Product output
- Increased Worker Satisfaction
- Reduced Labor Costs
- Reduced Change-over downtime
- Reduced Worker Frustration
- Reduced Compliance Risk
- No more user Lock outs!
- No password update help desk
Training & Doc Management
Simplify Compliance
Annual Subscription
- Always Accurate Records
- Real-Time Training Results
- Eliminate Paper
- Reduces Compliance & Audit Risk
- Eliminate incorrect records
- Training always available - no lock outs!
- Trainees return to work faster
- 21 CFR Pt 11 and Annex 11 compliant
- Never miss a training deadline due to password resets
Data Integrity Solutions
Enable Accountability
Annual Subscription
- Layered Biometric Authentication
- Accountability for legacy HMI's
- Mitigate Generic Logins
- Speed up Touchscreen Logins
- Attributable: Biometric Operator Accountability
- Legible: No paper - Digital, compliant audit log
- Contemporaneous: Real-Time User ID and Logging
- Original: No paper copies, no log books, no lost records
- Accurate: Iris Biometric achieves 1 in 1.225 Trillion Unique Matching... All operators are unique!